Mullingar Camera Club chairperson Noel Murphy addressing club members at their last Wednesday’s meeting.

Mullingar Camera Club think ahead to autumn exhibition

Mullingar Camera Club notes

Following a successful open night on September 13, Mullingar Camera Club had their first meeting of the new season last Wednesday, September 27, and a large turnout of new and existing members was recorded.

Club Chairman Noel Murphy introduced the officers in the club to new members and spoke briefly about how the officers are elected. He also outlined how the club operate and that they are run by the committee on behalf of all the members.

In addition he also outlined the various pieces of equipment the club has available to members, which include a professional quality printer, lighting, backdrops, Photoshop, a projector, and more.

Before handing over to other club members to introduce themselves Noel said they want to make the club an enjoyable experience for everyone.

The monthly competition is an opportunity for members to submit any photos (one colour and one black and white) they like. Members can submit A5 size (5x7 inches) photos on the night. Members review photos and select their favourites. Feedback is available, and members find it is always useful to receive.

The club will have an exhibition in November in the Atrium at the County Buildings. It is open to every member and all are invited to submit the photos they want for it. Photos should be an A4 size print (the club printer is available) by the middle of October to allow time for mounting and framing for the exhibition.

A WhatsApp group has been set up and invites to join it were sent to all members. If would like to join, let a club officer know, and they will organise it.

After the introductions and before the meeting concluded a short video was shown which explained the ‘rule of thirds’. That is a composition guideline that places the subject in the left or right third of an image and helps direct the viewer’s gaze to the main focal point of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open.

If you would like to learn more about the rule of thirds and other compositional hints, come along to the next meeting, on October 11 when the first monthly competition will be followed by a talk on an introduction to lighting.

Club meetings are in Mullingar Arts Centre every second Wednesday at 7.30pm. The next meeting is on October 11.