Children’s author and illustrator Julie-Ann Carroll, who teaches at St Tola’s NS in Killulagh, Delvin.

‘Our Super Teacher’ at St Tola’s

A teacher at St Tola’s NS, Killulagh, Delvin, who commutes to work daily from Tullamore and who has three young children, has somehow still managed to find the time to write a children’s book.

And it doesn’t stop there, for Julie-Ann Carroll also did all the illustrations for the book herself.

“Our Super Teacher” is the first book by Julie-Ann, who lives at Blueball, Tullamore with her husband Mark and their children Jack, Mae and Luca.

She was inspired to write it following the death of a dear friend, Aoife Kelly, who, sadly passed away last year.

“Aoife was a primary school teacher who I had the pleasure of working with at St Tola’s,” says Julie-Ann, who has been teaching at St Tola’s for 12 years.

“She was passionate about supporting children in their wellbeing and teaching them life skills that they could use to support their mental, emotional and physical health.

“Aoife practised these skills with the pupils daily and the resulting behaviour and sense of calmness amongst the children was clearly evident almost immediately.”

Julie-Ann sees children’s mental health as an area which requires huge focus and support at the moment.

“My book is based on supporting children’s wellbeing and was written in the hope of educating them on the different strategies and methods that they can use to care for and support their emotional, mental and physical development and wellbeing.”

“Our Super Teacher” is beautifully written and illustrated and aims to empower young readers to embrace wellness in their lives.

With a delightful blend of storytelling and vibrant visuals, Julie-Ann takes young readers on an enchanting journey where they discover the importance of self-care, kindness, and mindfulness.

What sets “Our Super Teacher” apart is the practical support pack included at the back of the book, designed to assist parents and teachers in helping children learn about gratitude, meditation, yoga, affirmations, and mindfulness.

The comprehensive pack covers nine wellbeing practices with step-by-step instructions for introducing them to children in a fun and engaging way that will ultimately, Julie-Ann says, help them to practice living life mindfully.

A natural storyteller and a lover of all things arts and crafts, Julie discovered her love for writing and illustrating during her pregnancy with her youngest child, Luca. Her aim is that this debut book, by providing practical tools and nurturing emotional intelligence, will empower young readers to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and compassion, while also offering parents and teachers a valuable resource for cultivating these essential life skills.

“My mission is to inspire and encourage children to become their best selves and live happy, healthy lives.”

Five per cent of the net proceeds of the book will be donated to the charity Make A Wish, Ireland.

* “Our Super Teacher” by Julie Ann Carroll is available for purchase online now exclusively on for €12. 99 and ships to Ireland, United Kingdom, USA and Australia.