Members of the planning department of Westmeath County Council in Mullingar Library: from left: Christina Sweeney, biodiversity officer, Kieran O'Donnell, Susan Cook, Helena Heffernan, Eamonn Brennan, Conor Barry, James McAuliffe, Aisling Keogh and Jordan Baxter.

Information meeting underway on Mullingar Local Area Plan

An information event is underway at Mullingar Library this evening ahead of the drafting of the Mullingar Area Plan.

Members of the public are invited to go along and members of Westmeath County Council's planning department will advise you on how to layout and make a submission.

Orla McGann, senior executive planner with Westmeath County Council says:

"The Strategic Local Area Plan for Mullingar 2024 to 2030, will set out a framework for development across the town, but it will also set out policies for social infrastructures like schools and community facilities," Ms McGann tells the Westmeath Examiner.

"It will also deal with themes such as climate action, sustainable communities, tourism, heritage, economic development, transport and movement, a range of issues," she explains.

"Members of the public are very welcome to come down and have a chat about it, myself and my colleagues are here till 8pm this evening.

"If people wish to make a submission, we're here to advise them. We have published an issues paper to generate interest from the public, and encourage them to get involved with the plan. The deadline for submissions is November 23."

A six-week public consultation stage for the Pre-Draft 'Strategic Issues Paper for the Mullingar Local Area Plan 2024 - 2030, commenced on October 10 last, and runs until November 23.

This is your opportunity to get involved in shaping the future of your town.

Submissions are invited from local communities, businesses, sporting groups and children and those representing children on the Pre-Draft Strategic Issues Paper.

The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Thursday November 23 next.

Submission can be made online, or in writing to Administrative Officer, Forward Planning, Westmeath County Council, Civic Offices, Mount Street, Mullingar.