Adrian Masterson at the Creative Realms Westmeath exhibition at Mullingar Library.

Creative Realms art exhibition only the beginning

Photographer and artist, Adrian Masterson, curated and launched Creative Realms Westmeath in Mullingar Library on Thursday.

Creative Realms Westmeath is a body of work crafted by local artists of all media, from jewellery makers and costume designers, to make-up artists and painters.

Focusing on Irish myths and legends, Adrian who also has a background in animation, says: "The exhibition is only the beginning, and the whole idea behind the project was to gather artists together from different fields and put works on display around the wilds of Westmeath."

"For the theme we decided to retell Irish myths and legends, with a particular focus on Westmeath, such as the Children of Lir. But we've also added new tales, including one about a librarian that gets sucked into a world of books that she loves."

Julie O'Leary and Joedy O'Reilly from Mullingar.

The exhibition runs until Friday November 3 at Mullingar Library, but once the display ends, the project takes on a whole new life of its own, by being transformed into an art treasure hunt across the county.

"This exhibition is really the beginning of the project. What's going to happen between now and early next year is that pieces and installations will be hidden around Westmeath, around businesses and scenic hotspots," said Adrian.

June Kelly, Eric Edert and Margaret Ottolini at Mullingar Library.

"The installations will be a more interactive way of seeing the art, there will be tomes engraved on wood, with QR codes that people can scan, which will take them to a webpage where they will see the images and information related to that story. So it turns into an art treasure hunt, and the only way to see all the pieces is to go out and find them.

"People will be encouraged to share on social media through hashtags that they found these pieces. There will hints on social media and an art treasure map that you can download from the tourist office."

Aida Cassiano, Crane Bird Art School, with Kenneth McDermott.

All the pieces are made by local artists affiliated with the Crane Bird Art School on Pearse Street, Mullingar, where Adrian will soon begin teaching animation.

"There was a mixture of poets, story writers, costume designers, make-up artists, stained-glass crafts people, printers, painters, and photographers involved. And this is a great way to show the wealth of artistic talent that we have here in Mullingar.

Greta Sutinyte and Kate McGrath on Thursday evening.

"I'm trying to make art something that is not just stuck to the wall in a museum," Adrian continues. "I want to see it out in the wild. I was asked a question on opening night, 'What happens if the art gets vandalised?', and my answer to that would be, 'If it does, it does'. Art is meant to be for the people."

Creative Realms Westmeath is a Westmeath Arts project funded by Westmeath County Council.

Redmond Burke and Frank Durcan, Mullingar, at the opening.
Ruth Illingworth from Mullingar and Carmel Greene from Multyfarnham.