Gerry Cogan receiing his award from Paddy McDonnell, CEO, Phoenix STS, award sponsor, at the Nursing Homes Ireland Care Awards event. Broadcaster Mary Kennedy was the event host.

Newbrook maintenance manager receives national recognition

Gerry Cogan, maintenance manager with Newbrook Nursing Home Group, has been named as one of the winners at the Nursing Homes Ireland Care Awards.

Gerry was among 24 finalists from counties and communities across Ireland who went forward for seven awards and one Overall Excellence Award. Gerry was one of the seven award winners recognised for excellence in providing nursing home care.

The Newbrook Nursing Home Group is based in Westmeath and has nursing homes in Westmeath, Galway, Longford, Mayo, Monaghan.

Speaking the before the awards ceremony, which was yesterday Tuesday November 7, at The Round Room at The Mansion House, Dublin 2, Gerry said: “I am working in Newbrook since 2014 and every day is different. I like to see things done right, fixed properly and in working order.

“I enjoy conversations with the residents when doing a job in their room, from hanging up a picture, fixing something or asking them to choose a paint colour for their bedroom. I hear their stories, where they are from and what they worked at. They are always amazed about how the job turns out when I am finished. I feel I make a difference in the Nursing Home, and all the staff and residents know me by my name.”

Gerry accepted his award before 300+ representatives from Ireland’s nursing home, older person care and health sectors at the awards ceremony. RTÉ presenter Mary Kennedy was the event MC.


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