Oonagh with some of the trees planted in Oldcastle.

Dad aiming to donate 250,000 trees by 2030 for people to plant

Louise Walsh

A caring dad of two, who wants to help secure a future against climate change for his daughters, is aiming to give away 250,000 trees by 2030, for others to plant.

Paddy Mangan has already donated 9000 trees in the week before Christmas to people all over the country.

The builder and part-time farmer from Oldcastle, County Meath has already planted 3,000 trees on his own 55-acre holding.

Cara and Oonagh on an Ash stump - the tree had to be felled because of Ash dieback.

He began the initiative at first to try and replace all the Ash trees in his area, which had been destroyed by the Ash Dieback disease.

He also realised that trees were a vital part of the battle against climate change and a better future for his daughters Cara (1) and Oonagh (6).

"I've planted about 60 varieties so far. Not all are native trees but there is a lot of colour among my hedgerows and fields now," he said.

"Some I bought potted but most were bare root trees, about two to three feet high.

"These include Oak, Ash, Alder, Birch, White Thorn, Beech, Rowan, Mountain Ash and about 150 apple, pear, plum and cherry trees as well as raspberry, gooseberry and BlackBerry bushes which I planted to encourage and feed butterflies, bees and birds.

"I think people now know the world is getting warmer and our climate is milder and wetter.

Paddy with daughters Cara (1) and Oonagh (6).

"We can help do our bit by the simple act of planting more trees. The worst enemy to the world is ourselves.

"I like buying trees but I was running out of space on the farm to plant them. I get great enjoyment bringing Una out and watching her plant a tree and I wanted to give that experience to someone else who could enjoy planting a tree with their child.

"Just before Christmas, I posted on the Native Irish Trees page, offering to donate 1,500 native Irish trees but within five days, there was so much uptake that I ended up giving away almost 9,000 trees.

"Thankfully I found a lot of volunteers to deliver the trees to the people all across the country.

"My wife Erin and I couldn't believe the interest by people to plant a tree so we decided to try and get enough donations and sponsorship to give away 35,000 trees a year, which would mean 250,000 Irish native trees planted across Ireland by 2030."

More information can be obtained on the Free Trees Ireland Facebook Page.