Social housing confirmed at Clonmore site
Seventeen social housing apartments are to be built on the site of the former shopping centre in Clonmore.
The Westmeath Examiner understands that Westmeath County Council has received funding for the project and work on the site is already under way. It is also understood that the work is being carried out by a private contractor and when completed the turn-key development will be presented to the council for allocation.
Speaking to the Westmeath Examiner, Cllr Ken Glynn, who lives in the area, said that he found about the project from a third party, despite making a number of inquiries to the council.
“I was quite surprised to learn of this. I immediately contacted the three residents groups in Clonmore,” he said. “From a positive point of view, it is going to bring 17 units to the council. The units will be occupied by people on the council’s housing list who are looking for two-bed units.
“People I have spoken to, some of them feel let down by the council. I felt let down as a local councillor, councillors should be advised when stuff like this is happening. I had to hear it second hand.
“While there are mixed feelings on the ground, a couple of people said the fact that the council will be managing the site gives them some reassurance.”
The original planning application was the subject of a significant number of objections from local residents, who unsuccessfully appealed the council’s decision to give the project the go-ahead to An Bord Pleanála (ABP).
Cllr Glynn says that residents were not against the site being developed, but had concerns about its scale.
“Nobody in Clonmore objected to the actual construction of the site in terms of proper development in keeping with the area.
“The issue residents had, which was supported by myself, was that they wanted to construct a three-storey building, which wasn’t keeping with the area as we don’t have any other three-storey buildings.
“The submissions made to the council and ABP, which I supported as their public representative, called for a two-storey development.
“Residents felt that the number of units going in here would bring its own problems in terms of traffic and parking and stuff like that.
“It was suggested that the objections were ‘not in my back yard’ in nature, but it was nothing like that. People were happy to see a development happening because it has been an eyesore in our area for the last 15 or 20 years.”
Deputy Robert Troy welcomed the news that funding had been secured for the development. He also said that when it comes to allocating the units, it is important that there the “right mix” of residents.
He says that he would like to see working couples or retired people prioritised.