Open event showcases services for senior citizens and people with disabilities

The annual free Disability/Older Persons’ Services and Information event is set to take place in Bloomfield House Hotel on Monday May 27 from 10am to 1.30pm.

The event has been organised by Westmeath Community Development, Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP) in conjunction with Independent People with Disabilities and Westmeath County Council.

Anyone who wishes to get information which may help people’s circumstances/issues is welcome to attend.

This event has been successful in previous years, bringing together service providers and service users. In previous years, over 250 people attended and 40 service providers took part.

The guest speakers commence at 11am sharp. Among them are Mark Ahern from IPWD, Annette Barr-Jordan talking about the Westmeath Age Friendly Strategy, Samantha Hogan, from Westmeath Healthy Homes, John Tynan from Athlone Access Awareness, and Sharon Dunleavy from National Learning Network.

MC for the event is Linda-Jo Quinn, SICAP Community Development co-ordinator, who is the principal organiser.

Drop in to have a cup of tea/coffee and a chat and find out about how the agencies can help you.