Sponsor Liam Gilleran with Mick Kane, chairman.

Von Beaumont wins inaugural Intermediate Champions Cup

Mullingar Snooker Club notes

The inaugural Intermediate Snooker Champions Cup, sponsored by Liam Gilleran of Gilleran's Bar and Lounge, took place recently in Mullingar Snooker Club's home base in Bishopsgate Street.

As the top 16 is used for those who excelled at the senior ranks, it was decided by club chairman Mick Kane and honourary secretary Ger O’Connor that the intermediate players be accommodated with their own version of such an event.

This year it was decided to include the players who competed in all the intermediate events of the year. From next year, new rules must be put in place as to who qualifies on the intermediate rankings.

Mick Kane got this final under way between the top two players on the intermediate circuit this year: Stephen von Beaumont and Peter Leung.

Richie Toal acted as referee and Pat Donohoe as score keeper. The final was the best of five frames and prior to the final Mick Kane welcomed sponsor Liam Gilleran to the club to greet the players and present the prizes to them after the final.

This match was always going to be close and that’s the way it proved to be.

As in all finals, the first frame was more tactical than a potting game and Peter Leung shocked the favourite Stephen by winning the first frame. The second frame was different as Peter retreated into his shell and instead of going for his game, he tried to keep Stephen out. This proved to be fatal as Stephen levelled at one frame all.

Frame three saw a more attacking Peter and he ran out a winner easily as Stephen seemed to be under pressure. Peter made the most of his chances and won this frame with plenty of small scoring opportunities.

Frame four has Stephen with his back to the wall and by all costs he had to level the match or lose out on this first inaugural event. Peter had a very good twenty nine break, but the next shot saw Stephen have a twenty four break at a crucial stage and helped him to level the match at two frames all.

The final frame was an absolute cracking game. The players were almost level with the six remaining colours left and their safety play was of real quality.

Peter had a great chance to win the match and he potted the yellow in its pocket with the green and brown along the baulk cushion. After the yellow went down Peter only needed the green and brown.

However, he managed to snooker himself on the green, being hampered by the brown ball. Referee Richie Toal watched closely as Peter played off the side cushion to hit the green and after several misses were called; Peter was distraught as he had the title in the bag. Eventually von Beaumont got an opportunity to win, taking colours brown to black to win by twelve points.

This was a great display by both players and sadly there had to be a loser and a winner. Beaumont edged out Leung 3-2 (43-67, 53- -64, 70-37, 57-45).

After the presentation, Mick Kane thanked Liam Gilleran for his sponsorship, Richie Toal for taking charge of the final, and treasurer Pat Donohoe for keeping the score.