Stop one, discussing conifer management.

Teagasc forestry walk focused on conifer management

The first of eight Teagasc spring walks in this region – at Mountrath, County Laois – was on a conifer site and focused primarily on conifer management. Each walk in the series focused on different species and the management involved

Last week’s was in the foothills of the Slieve Bloom mountains at over 800 feet above sea level, yet relatively sheltered due to its location, explained Liam Kelly, Teagasc forestry development officer. He said that conifers, and in particular Sitka spruce, are doing well at that location.

The owner has planted on four separate occasions, and three have already been clear-felled and replanted.

Liam reported a good turnout on the day and lots of interest and debate on each subject.

The group made a number of stops: the first was at a 16-year-old conifer site, where the discussion focused on development of the crop, thinning and harvesting, inspection paths, and species and deer. Their second stop was at an eight-year-old conifer crop, where they discussed getting good establishment from the beginning, species selection, pine weevil management, vegetation control, and deer management.

Stop three was to view a recently established site, and there they discussed felling, lot and top brash management, windrows or chipping of the brash, ground preparation, plant size and planting, vegetation control, and future management.
