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New GP secured for north Westmeath village

The HSE has appointed a new GP for the Coole area.

There had been widespread fears in the community that the north Westmeath village would be left without a GP when the long-serving Dr Pat Cullen retired.

However, in a letter to Minister Peter Burke this week, the HSE confirmed that a new GP has been recruited and it is expected that they will take up the post in early August.

Until then, the HSE has assumed interim management of the practice. “The surgery is fully operational and there has been no disruption to the level of service that was available under Dr Pat Cullen...,” the health body informed Minister Burke.

The news has been welcomed by Minister Burke, who said that he is “delighted to see that a GP has been appointed to take on the role of serving the community of Coole and its environs”.

“There was concern locally when the current GP, Dr Cullen ended his time in the position, and I would like to acknowledge his great work in the community. The recruitment process has been progressed by the HSE and thankfully, successful. A new GP will be taking up the position in the coming months and I am glad that the vital service of a community GP will continue to be provided to the people of Coole and the surrounding areas,” concluded Minister Burke.