Patrick Hussey.

Local election candidate says theft of posters politically motivated

Another local election candidate has claimed that their posters have been tampered with.

Independent candidate Patrick Hussey, who is running in Mullingar Local Electoral Area and is a member of the Westmeath Nationalist Alliance, says that six of his posters have been stolen in recent days.

In an email to the Westmeath Examiner, Mr Hussey said:

“On Friday night last six of my posters were taken from locations at the Green Bridge, the council car park and from the Newbrook Bridge in Mullingar. On the Green Bridge, Margaret Maguire's posters were also removed, while the posters belonging to other candidates were left intact. (Margaret since replaced one of hers on the green bridge). I utterly condemn this interference with the democratic process and the unlawful and anti-social activity associated with the removal of election posters. “

Mr Hussey says that it's his belief that “there may be a political motive attached to the removal of my posters”.

“This behaviour only makes me more determined to fight on. I have reported the removal of posters to the gardaí and to Westmeath County Council.

“Candidates from small parties and especially Independents have enough disadvantages running for election without this kind of interference occurring. I would call on all candidates to condemn the removal of election posters. We all need a fair chance to be seen and heard.”

Earlier this week, Cllr Paul Hogan called for all candidates in the Moate Local Electoral Area to publicly condemn what he described as "gutter electioneering and interference with other candidate’s posters".

Cllr Hogan, who is also running as a candidate in the Athlone LEA, says that his posters were damaged in a number of locations throughout the Moate LEA.

Last week Michael O'Brien, an Independent local election candidate for the Moate area, expressed outrage at what he described as the "large-scale theft" of his election posters.

He described them as a "planned and orchestrated attack" on his campaign.

"These actions are very sad and pathetic. It seems some people must be very worried about the momentum of my campaign!" he remarked.