LE Candidates Q&A: Bill Collentine (FF)


1. Tell us a little about yourself

I am both a family man and a local business man. I am married to Teresa and have three sons and one daughter. I spent seven years in Canada in the ’70s.

I returned to Ireland and started up my plumbing business in Mullingar in 1980.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I think we all have a duty to help our community and give something back. I enjoy both business and being a pubic representative. I get great satisfaction and pride working for our community.

3. What do you see as the big issues in your area?

Housing, schools, health and facilities for youth development and welfare. Supporting small business and employment creation in Mullingar.

Increase funding for housing grants. To see a community centre, museum, new swimming facilities and a sports complex within the community.

Better facilities and amenities at our lakes and an increase in local tourism.

4. Who is your role model?

Charlie Haughey would be my role model. He had leadership and the ability to get things carried out. He was a man of the people and a man on the ground.

5. What are your hobbies?

I enjoy travelling and have visited countries such as Canada, USA and many within Europe and Asia. I like to experience and learn about different cultures around the world.

I also enjoy reading and socialising. I like to spend my days meeting new people and having a cup of coffee or a beer and a chat.

6. Tell us one thing people will be surprised to read about you

I am an avid supporter of Fleadh Cheoil and I have attended 40 All Ireland Fleadhs over the years.