LE Candidates Q&A: Andrew Duncan (FG)

Mullingar LEA

1. Tell us a little about yourself

I was born on the Lynn road and brought up in Mullingar and Gaybrook, I am a father of three, Aimee, Niamh, and Darragh, and am married to Sabrina. I have my own auctioneering and real estate firm, DNG Duncan. I have been a county councillor for 10 years.

2. Why did you become involved in politics?

I had become involved in a community wind farm campaign and was subsequently approached by Fintan Cooney, who was a councillor at the time. He was retiring and he asked if I would stand in the 2014 local election.

3. What do you see as the big issues in your area?

Housing, particularly the shortage of affordable housing. The over-stretched health service – many of its employees are exhausted.

Immigration and the increasing pressure on services and resources. Mullingar town traffic.

Environmental pollution as seen recently in the River Brosna, ongoing water quality issues, fly tipping.

The number of school places is also an ongoing issue across the county. The layers of bureaucracy across many state services, which are suffocating productivity.

4. Who is your role model?

My father.

5. What are your hobbies?

Fly fishing, boxing and horse racing.

6. Tell us one thing about yourself that people will be surprised to read

My son Darragh and I are both fly fishing internationals.