Cllr Johnnie Penrose.

LE Candidates Q&A: Cllr Johnnie Penrose (Lab)

Moate LEA

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

I’m a Ballynacargy man who has lived there all my life. I come from a large family, as one of 10 siblings. Since 2002, I have served as a county councillor. Music is a passion of mine, and I was delighted to play a role in helping to raise funds for the All-Ireland Fleadh in Mullingar.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I come from the old Labour Party tradition, of ensuring strong representation and advocacy for those less well off and who often feel marginalised. My grandmother was an inspiration in that regard.

I know what seems like a small problem, might be a significant problem for the person approaching you.

3. What are the big issues?

Tackling the housing crisis through advocating for the provision of social and affordable housing and through assisting with planning permissions.

The return of local banking and local health services. Securing an increase in garda numbers for our rural areas.

The provision of local transport links to give people ready access to quality public transport and safe cycleways. The development of businesses.

4. Who is your role model?

I was greatly influenced by two former colleagues, the late Mark Nugent and the late Dan McCarthy.

5. What are your hobbies?

Every morning at 6, I go swimming in Bloomfield, and I go walking straight after along the beautiful Royal Canal line. I’m an avid sports fan, but GAA is my passion and have been chairman of Ballynacargy GAA for several years.

6. Tell us one thing about yourself that people will be surprised to read

People might be greatly surprised to know that I’m a fully qualified butcher, having learned my trade under the skilful stewardship of Kevin Taaffe in his butcher shop.