Cllr Tom Farrell.

LE Candidates Q&A: Cllr Tom Farrell (FG)

Moate LEA

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

Living in Walderstown, married to Goretti with seven children (six of whom emigrated at one stage or another; two are based in the USA. I combined a career in the Department of Agriculture with volunteering in the GAA and local causes. I first stood for election in 2014, proving successful then, and again in 2019.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I take great pride in Westmeath and wished to make it as good a place as possible. That means investing time and effort, and politics is the best place to do that. Listening, negotiation and delegating are skills I have learned, and bringing these skills to benefiting others was a motivation.

3. What are the big issues?

Access to broadband: vital for balanced regional development as people can work remotely and commute less; this will give more time to volunteer in their community.

Rural planning: provisions to encourage people to live in rural areas.

Support of local businesses: making people aware that cheaper online options are not always better. One needs to be conscious of how money can contribute to economic activity in their areas.

Schools: an improved bus service is needed and incentives for schools to introduce smartphone restrictions.

4. Who is your role model?

John Hume: he invested a lifetime of effort to bring about peace. Not afraid to take tough options, he stayed the course and delivered huge change.

5. What are your hobbies?

Mixing with people, in general. I attend club or county GAA games most weekends.

6. Tell us one thing about yourself that people will be surprised to read

Having worked in the west many years ago, I played some club football in Mayo with Ballina Stephenites.