LE Candidates Q&A: Michael O'Brien (Independent)

Moate LEA

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m a sales and marketing professional and served as a member of Westmeath County Council from 2014 until the electoral boundaries were changed in 2019. As a former county councillor deeply embedded in our community, I’ve dedicated years to various initiatives. I’m a founding member of the Moate Railway Station Group and currently serve as their PRO alongside my involvement in the Moate All Whites grants committee.

Why did you get involved in politics?

I got involved in politics because I wanted to help people and play my part in making a positive impact in my community and country, representing people. Now more than ever, people are crying out to be listened to and represented by political representatives but feel their calls are falling on deaf ears. If elected, I will advocate for pressing issues, challenge the status quo, and enact positive change.

What are the big issues?

The big Issues in my area are water outages, housing shortages, inadequate public transport, dereliction, lack of ASD units in our local primary schools, lack of youth amenities, mass migration concerns, and road safety are paramount in my community.

Who is your role model?

While I don’t have a singular role model, I draw inspiration from the values instilled in me by my parents.

What are you hobbies?

I find solace in cycling, walking, golfing, singing at local sessions, and watching all sports including Gaelic football, hurling, horse racing, and soccer.

Tell us one thing about yourself that people will be surprised to read?

I recorded a charity Christmas single in 2017 in aid of Pieta House.