LE Candidates Q&A: Shane Lynam (IFP)

Moate LEA

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

My great grandfather William ‘Syl’ Lynam was a blacksmith with a forge in Newtown in Moate and his grandfather Ned lived on the Dublin Road.

I grew up in Moate and attended both primary and secondary school there. I’ve been involved in community groups from a young age including, Moate Foróige, Moyvoughley Foróige, and Mount Temple Drama Group. I’m the PRO for the Moate Town Team.

I have a Masters Degree in Environmental Health and Safety Management.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I felt that there was a disconnect between the main political parties and local communities.

I have the required reasoning and speaking abilities to be able to ensure fair representation for all voices and I’m not afraid of being labelled for doing so.

I have 17 years of experience running my own business and I’m not afraid of hard work and long hours.

3. What are the big issues?

Lack of available housing and dereliction, a rise in crime rates, concerns on immigration, young people who don’t see a future for themselves in Ireland.

4. Who is your role model?

Richard D Winters.

5. What are your hobbies?

Gardening and reading.

6. Tell us one thing about yourself that people will be surprised to read

I’m a member of the Reserve Defence Forces, 2 Brigade Artillery Regiment, with seven years of service acquired so far. I’ve competed in two all army (All Ireland) shooting competitions.