Poems by Douglas

Douglas Raeside

It’s not rocket science

An art form, imagination great,

Nothing to do with solar state.

A written word, lines in jest,

Something trivia, get off my chest.

A little word, a little rhyme,

Stuff of nonsense, yes but it’s mine.

Did Galileo dream, poet too,

Stuff of dreams, said by you.

So words of trivia, not very great,

Some say, not even chocolate cake.

Fun and dreams, imagination, ball,

It’s not rocket science, said by all.

Serious Life

As children we played, garden of fun,

But adults, child inside learn to run.

As grownups, responsibility great,

We must have fun, before it’s too late.

For we play, in this unknown time,

Not know, when called, end not mine.

This serious world, tires me out,

Inner screams, please let me shout.

I enjoy today, it’s not too bad,

Thinking too serious makes me sad.

Time to be serious, that is true,

But too long makes me blue.


Am I broken, need repair,

No drink but medicine gets me there.

Happy disposition, bi polar me,

Child so hyper, so happy me.

A crime to smile, too happy here,

Miserable faces, why? so unclear.

If this is broken, keep in mind repair,

Because misery, no time, no care.

I love my broken life, never fix,

Happy ignorance, blinkered tricks.

Broken life, but happy me.

A child of hope, a child of glee.


I go to Mass, Bible in hand,

Daughter, why go, not understand.

It’s God I thank, for life exist,

Safely home, when slightly pissed.

He created me, from dust it seems,

Made of goo and little dreams.

My religion, rules to follow,

Helps inner me, never hollow.

Religious life, difficult modern time,

What did I do, what’s my crime?

Religious life, heavenly Da,

Am I just sheep, hear me ‘baa!’.

Stairs Down too

Stairs goes up, pearly gates seen,

A place you go, for not being mean.

Cool white steps, up and up,

Reward for not being a cheeky pup.

This stairs, only for the good,

Eternal reward, as only one should.

Nice to know, a heaven to go,

I hope I meet people I know.

But if you choose to be bad,

There is a place to be had.

A fiery place of agony do.

Where a stairs down too.

Douglas Raeside is a member of Inklings Writing Group, who meet on Tuesdays 11am in the Annebrook House Hotel.