Phoenix made their debut performance at Glúin Nua. Photos: Jay G Forde

Glúin Nua gig lights up Platform 5 with new talent

By Jay G Forde

“Honestly, it is a bit selfish – I just wanted gigs for myself,” admitted Jack Gaudet, organiser of the Glúin Nua gig that lit up Platform 5 in Clarke’s Bar on Friday night. That sentiment led to an event that now highlights the new generation of musicians and creators emerging in Mullingar.

“This is the second year of the event,” said Jack. “It’s a great opportunity for young artists to showcase their talent.”

Asked how the idea came about, Jack said: “It started last year. Honestly, it is a bit selfish – I just wanted gigs for myself. And I wanted to come up with something, so I started getting loads of young creative people around and just do a small show.”

The lively evening featured an impressive lineup of acts, including Erin Reynolds, Meghan Bates, and Jack, delivering original music.

There were also performances from The Bypass, who headlined a show in The Stables a few months ago, and two new bands, Damage Control and Phoenix.

Phoenix had formed just two weeks prior to the gig, making this their debut performance. Their fresh energy and enthusiasm added a unique spark to the evening, showing the vibrant and dynamic nature of the Mullingar music scene.

In addition to the musical performances, the audience enjoyed two short films by young filmmakers Ciaran Lavery and his film ‘Let go... Or be dragged’ and Adam Lowry with his film “Who’s Outside Number 78’. Their creative works added a visual aspect to the evening, highlighting the diverse artistic talent in the area.

Attendees we spoke to agreed that Glúin Nua was a memorable celebration of music and film, offering a promising glimpse into the future of the local creative community.

Adam Lowry, ahead of the Glúin Nua performances on Friday night. Photos: Jay G Forde
Ciaran Lavery.
Damage Control.
Damage Control.
Damage Control.
Erin Reynolds.
Erin Reynolds.
Jack Gaudet.
Megan Bates.
Megan Bates.
The Bypass.
The Bypass.