Brian Crum.

LE Candidates Q&A: Brian Crum (Independent Ireland)

Kinnegad LEA

1. Tell us a bit about yourself

My name is Brian Crum, I’m married to Wendy – we have three children, Megan, James, and Andrew, and we live in Multyfarnham.

I’m a business owner; I own a company called BC Services, through which we do plant, agri-hire, and groundworks.

2. Why did you get involved in politics?

I was a sitting councillor, I was co-opted and lost my seat in the last election. I’ve always had a grá for helping people and that’s what motivated me.

3. What are the big issues?

What I see as the big issue in my area is that north Westmeath has been forgotten about. The Kinnegad LEA is in north Westmeath but it has been forgotten by the bigger parties in government, both at a national and local level. Rural Ireland has been forgotten; it’s being decimated at the minute.

4. Who is your role model?

I would try and be a role model for my sons and daughter to not turn my back on anyone, and to have a softly spoken word for everyone I meet. I would have learned that from my mother who, Lord rest her, taught me that values I now try to pass on to my children.

5. What are your hobbies?

Whenever I’m out of the tractor or lorry, I like spending time with my wife and kids and I like going shooting and I’d be a big GAA fan.

6. Tell us one thing about you that people will be surprised to read?

I like to organise charity events and have done fundraisers for cancer support services, suicide awareness, and the Jack and Jill Foundation in the past – it provides me a welcome break from work.