Ciaran Mullooly.

Mullooly: EU has critical role in solving nursing home crisis

Ciaran Mullooly, candidate for Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in the Midlands North-West constituency, has called for urgent and substantial EU action to be taken to address the acute nursing home shortage in Ireland.

Highlighting the critical role the EU can play in areas such as funding and training to resolve the nursing home crisis, Mr Mullooly condemned other candidates' dismissive attitudes toward EU involvement as “lazy politics”.

“The nursing home sector has been facing challenges never before seen. The funding model is antiquated and needs reviewing at a national level. But I think Europe, through the various EU Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) can support economic development, social inclusion, and health improvement projects.

"These funds can be utilised to develop comprehensive elder care strategies, enhance care infrastructure, and implement innovative care models.”

He said a recent report published by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) paints a grim picture: nearly 20% of smaller private nursing homes in Ireland closed between February 2020 and December 2022.

Rural areas such as those in the Midlands North-West are facing disproportionate impacts, according to Mr Mullooly, and smaller operators are struggling to remain viable while larger operators dominate in urban centres, leaving rural populations particularly vulnerable.

"The closure of smaller nursing homes is not just a statistic; it represents a real and growing crisis affecting our most vulnerable older citizens and their families," Mr Mullooly said.

"The EU has a critical role to play in mitigating this crisis. Ireland, as a net contributor to the EU, must leverage its position to secure the necessary funding and support to ensure our elderly receive the care they deserve."

He highlighted the urgent need for grant aid support to be provided to struggling small nursing home operators and emphasised the dangers of over reliance on large private operators, which currently account for 74% of all nursing home beds in Ireland.

"Our elderly population built the country we live in today; the least we owe them is a dignified, comfortable and accessible retirement. Sustainable solutions, supported by robust EU funding and policies, are essential."