Fine Gael local election candidate Gerry Heery.

Local election candidate calls for new primary school in Mullingar

Gerry Heery, a special needs teacher in St Mary’s Special School in Delvin, and a Fine Gael candidate in the upcoming local elections, has raised the issue of primary school places with Minister Norma Foley.

“There is a major capacity issue with primary school places in Mullingar and I would call on the Minister for Education to progress the provision of additional capacity in the primary school system in Mullingar,” says Fine Gael candidate Gerry Heery.

“It can be a very stressful time for parents trying to get their children into primary school and with the new housing developments in Mullingar it is inevitable there will be increased pressure on our schools to cater for the increase in demographics.

“I have contacted Minister Foley and asked that her department review the projections for the town and make real steps forward to move on this in a timely manner.

“Bring school to the children and not the children to school – there are too many travelling long distances and a new school campus in Mullingar would be a great start for children on their educational journey. Link in with good foot and cycle tracks and let’s make getting to school a healthy local journey,” commented Gerry Heery.

“I am really delighted to see the increased capacity coming on stream for Mullingar Community College with the official opening last week and I welcome the investment in this school serving the town. We need to keep pace with the primary sector also and I look forward to seeing progress for this sector too,” concluded Mr Heery.