First gross: Peter Flynn and Kathleen Shaw, with club president Louise McGonagle.

President’s night at Ennell Bridge Club

On Monday May 27, the biggest night in the Ennell Bridge Club social calendar took place with the president, Louise McGonagle’s, dinner, followed by presentation of her beautiful prizes. It was testament to Louise’s popularity that despite the dinner being brought forward to May, holiday season, there was a good turnout.

Louise welcomed members, family and guests. She thanked Helen Hill for inviting her last year to be her vice-president and hoped she hadn’t let her down.

She pointed out the calendar had changed, resulting in packing all competitions and events into a much shorter timeframe, and she thanked her committee for making that possible.

She recounted how she was introduced to bridge by a chance meeting with Edna Craig on a train journey from Dublin to Mullingar.

Louise explained how she came to select her prize – she wanted something Irish made and of significance to her. She and her late husband Liam lived in Ardara in the mid-90s. Liam’s mother also lived in Ardara so the town holds wonderful happy memories for her and her family. She went there and met Eddie Doherty, a weaver for more than 50 years, and selected magnificent throws, woven by Eddie in his workshop.

A delicious meal provided by David Smyth Catering was followed by the presentation of prizes, and the winners were: 1st nett: Helen Hill and Mary Murphy; 1st gross: Peter Flynn and Kathleen Shaw; 2nd nett: Eugene Hill and Owen Fagan; 2nd gross: John Regan and Valerie McDermott; 1st session: Peter Gilsenan and Ann Tyrrell; 2nd session: Patricia McCormack and Marie Colgan; 3rd: Margaret Deegan and Mary Lynch; 4th: Audrey McLoughlin and Marie Fraser.

Helen Hill, accepting her prize (on behalf of Mary and herself), praised Louise for her successful year, and said how thrilled they were to win the beautiful throws, which she said really focused their minds from the moment they saw them, thus resulting in their success!

She also praised the warmth and conviviality of the club and expressed her thanks to all the members.