Congratulations to Sam Ferguson, Sarah Gill and Lloyd Simpson, who were academic prize winners in their class at WHS.

Awards night 2024 at Wilson’s Hospital School

The recent 2024 Awards Night at Wilson’s Hospital School was a great evening celebrating the students’ remarkable accomplishments and talents across a spectrum of endeavours, from academic excellence to outstanding sporting achievements and beyond.

Awards were given in the following categories: best Leaving Certificate results 2023, academic excellence in each year group, sporting prowess, Transition Year achievements, school core values, the prefects’ award and scholarship winners. Students who represented Ireland in sports were also congratulated.

The guest of honour for the event was Admiral Mark Mellett PhD, DSM (Rtd), former Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces. Admiral Mellett was Ireland’s highest ranking military officer, the government’s principal military adviser and member of the National Security Committee and the EU Military Committee. He spoke on the topic of courageous, principled leadership, and outlined his own leadership principles to the audience:

1. Seize opportunities but act honourably.

2. Have a quiet ego.

3. Tend to your physical and mental wellbeing.

4. Validate those around you and act as their champion.

5. Face your fears.

6. Know your purpose – be yourself, have a creative and open growth mind set.

7. Be courageous in everything you put your mind to – populism is not leadership.

School principal, Frank Milling, remarked on the pressing need for the school community to believe itself to be an ambitious, agile and efficient organisation. "Wilson’s has a clear sense of who we are, what we do and why we are special," he said.

"We are proud of that difference and unafraid to say so. More people are discovering Wilson’s. They are excited by our vision and want to be a part of it."

He congratulated the students on their academic and sporting achievements, especially those who were receiving awards on the night.

Congratulations to the students and their families and friends.

It was lovely to come together as a school community in the Weafer Hall for an evening of celebration and inspiration. Thank you to John McCauley for the photographs.