Live Updates: Election Day 3


That concludes our coverage of the marathon local elections 2024. Thanks to all our readers for engaging with our digital content across the weekend. Please support your local newspaper in picking up this week's edition of the Westmeath Examiner, available in stores from tomorrow, where we will have plenty of coverage from the elections including analysis, interviews and photos.



Here is the percentage of seats each party has taken this year compared to 2019. Green party the big story in losing both their seats in Athlone and Mullingar with Sinn Féin gaining two.



At last, the 20 seats up for grabs on the Westmeath County Council have been filled. Here is the make-up of the council for the next five years.



The re-count has finally been completed in Mullingar with Julie McCourt (SF) edging out Gerry Heery (FG). Incumbents Aoife Davitt (FF), Bill Collentine (FF) and Andrew Duncan (FG) are re-elected.



Niall Gaffney (FF) and Emily Wallace (FG) take the final two seats in Kinnegad after the counting has been completed.



David Jones (SF) and Alfie Devine (FF) have been elected on the 10th count. Two more seats up for grabs in the Kinnegad LEA with Emily Wallace (FG) and Niall Gaffney (FF) expected to take them.



Here is the final table after Paul Hogan took the last seat in the Athlone LEA race. Hogan now joins poll topper Kevin 'Boxer' Moran, Aengus O'Rourke, Frankie Keena and John Dolan as the five Athlone councillors.



Paul Hogan has been elected and takes the final seat in Athlone following the announcement of the tenth count.



Paul Hogan is being congratulated by well-wishers as we await the tenth count here. It appears that he has enough votes to maintain his current lead and take the fifth and final Athlone seat, ahead of Tom Cleary. The final count is expected shortly.




The result of the Mullingar LEA is getting closer according to sources. It looks as if Julie McCourt (SF) has the edge over Gerry Heery (FG) and could possibly take the final seat in Mullingar.



Brian Crum has been eliminated in the Kinnegad LEA race following the ninth count. There are now five candidates fighting for the final four seats. Jones (SF) and Devine (FF) look safe to win seats. Emily Wallace (FG) and Gaffney (FF) are likely to win the final two seats with Séamus McDermott set to miss out.



Louise Heavin has been eliminated after the ninth count in Athlone. Paul Hogan, Independent Ireland and Tom Cleary, Indpendent, are the last two candidates standing and one of them will be elected after the next count. Hogan will most likely take the seat as he has 965 votes to Tom Cleary's 858 following the announcemnt of the ninth count.



At lunchtime, no candidate has been elected here today in Moate. With 11 councillors elected yesterday, here is the current make-up of the county council for the next five years.



Here is the latest leaderboard after the eighth count in Athlone. Paul Hogan is still the front-runner for the final seat but Tom Cleary (IND) and Louise Heavin (GP) are hot on his heals.



Following the eight count in the Kinnegad LEA here is how the leaderboard now looks.




Conor Dowling Lenihan has rescinded the recheck request in Athlone and bows out.



Shauna Coyne has been eliminated in Kinnegad and her 548 votes will be distributed among the remaining candidates.

David Jones (SF) and Alfie Devine (FF) should be elected today.

The margin of votes between Niall Gaffney (FF), Emily Wallace (FG) and Seamus McDermott (FG) is tightening.



Denis Leonard's reaction to being elected last night.




A recheck has been requested on the seventh count in Athlone after a single vote seperated Louise Heavin (Green Party) and Conor Dowling Lenihan (Sinn Fein).



Some of the candidates at the count today.



ATHLONE: Sinn Fein's Conor Dowling Lenihan has been eliminated and his 644 votes will now be distributed between Paul Hogan, Louise Heavin and Tom Cleary.

Hogan looks likely to take it as things stand.



KINNEGAD: We're still a while off hearing the eighth count and it looks like nobody will be elected until the ninth. It's likely Shauna Coyne will be eliminated next.



Here is an update on how things stand as day three of counting gets underway.

Just 11 of 20 councillors elected in Westmeath as day three begins



Good morning to the readers following this very interesting election. The count now enters its final day, hopefully, in Westmeath. 11 of the 20 seats have now been filled. Stay tuned here for updates throughout the day as they happen.