Kevin 'Boxer' Moran lifted high following his election to the council on the first count.

'We're back' - Boxer Moran returns in style

Shane King

Former Longford-Westmeath TD and government minister Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran made a swinging return to local politics by securing his seat on the council with among some of the highest percentage of first-preference votes in the country. His return to office is the big talking point of this election and his substantial support sent shock waves around the political landscape.

As Boxer was lifted in celebration the message "we’re back, we’re back" could be heard loudly across the count centre. His return to local government became apparent early on Saturday when the tallies showed he was going to claim a large share of the votes in the Athlone area. Across the parties and candidates, there is a real respect, and sense of disbelief, at Boxer’s ability to mobilise voters after being away from politics for four years.

Speaking to the Westmeath Examiner after the announcement of the first count, he said he was "absolutely thrilled".

"I’m over the moon to be elected back to the Westmeath County Council in the Athlone area. I am so grateful to the people of Athlone who voted for me in huge numbers," he said.

Boxer is known to get hands-on with issues in the town, and he said he is really looking forward to getting back to work there. "I can’t wait to get back working on issues that are really important to people. Between housing, immigration, the cost of living, I can go all day, but working on these important issues is something I am really looking forward to," he said.

Asked if he would run for the Dáil, he said constituents "will certainly be seeing my name on the ballot paper".

"One thing I heard while canvassing was people saying to me, I hope this is your step forward and we’ll get you back into the Dáil. That is the plan but we take nothing for granted, one step at a time – we will enjoy today."