Céire Moynihan, Grow Remote Mullingar local leader.

‘Grow Remote’ Mullingar to host first social meet-up

The Grow Remote Mullingar Chapter will host its first social meet up for remote and hybrid workers on Wednesday June 19. Grow Remote Mullingar is part of the wider Grow Remote network of volunteer groups that run a range of social events for remote and hybrid workers in their communities.

As remote and hybrid working becomes more mainstream, it has opened up new job opportunities for people living in Mullingar – however, it has also become more challenging for people to connect with each other in person, and the Mullingar event aims to bring people together for social connection.

The Grow Remote Mullingar social meet-up is at Belvedere House, Gardens and Park and remote and hybrid workers are invited to drop in from 10am to 11am on Wednesday 19 June.

It is a free of charge event and a complimentary tea/coffee and scone will be provided to all attendees who register online in advance.

Speaking about the event, Grow Remote Mullingar local leader, Céire Moynihan said: “I grew up in Mullingar and have a similar story to many people in that I left Mullingar to go to university.

Since then I worked and travelled around the globe before returning to Mullingar only a few years ago.

The pandemic was a challenging period in all of our lives, but it provided many people like me with the opportunity to return and work from home.

“My job is in Dublin, but I enjoy working from home and the convenience it offers, particularly avoiding the dreaded commute. However, I miss having a network of like-minded people to have a coffee or lunch or a meet-up on a Friday evening after work.

“The CSO statistics from 2022 released only a few months ago revealed that over 2,000 individuals living in Mullingar identify as remote workers – that’s 22% of the total number of employees working in Mullingar. So I knew there were others out there like me working remotely.

“I decided to set up a group for remote workers in Mullingar and approached Mullingar Chamber of Commerce and Westmeath County Council with my idea. Everyone thought the idea was a good one.

In fact, the idea was such a good one that someone else had already thought of it! The Local Enterprise Office signposted me to Grow Remote, a national organisation, and I linked up with them and established a Mullingar Chapter.

“I am excited to host our first ever social event for remote and hybrid workers in Mullingar.

The aim is to help people to connect with others in their community and grow their network.

There will be a fun and welcoming atmosphere at Belvedere and the event is open to any employee who wants to connect with other remote or hybrid workers in Mullingar.

“Belvedere has generously offered all attendees to enjoy the gardens on the day. So come along, relax and connect!”

• Register at Eventbrite for the (Grow Remote Mullingar social meet up).