Teachers who were honoured at the local INTO event in the Mullingar Park Hotel (back from left) Gary Corcoran, branch secretary; Jacinta O’Sullivan (Presentation Senior, Mullingar), Mary Daly (Coralstown NS), Caroline Ó Fiaich (Gaelscoil an Mhuilinn), Leslie Taaffe (St Mary’s, Raharney), Patricia O’Connell (St Etchen’s, Kinnegad), and Dara Feiritéar, branch chairperson; (front) Mandy Kerroum (Scoil Mhuire, Loughegar), Betty Belton (St Etchen’s, Kinnegad), Aine Farrell (St Kenny, Kilpatrick), Carmel Browne (INTO president) Clare Egan (St Kenny, Kilpatrick), Paula O’Connor (Scoil Diarmada, Whitehall), and Julie Darby (St Colmcille’s, Gainstown).

INTO honour local teachers who have retired since 2022

Carmel Browne, INTO president, was the special guest, when the Mullingar branch of the union held a function for members who had retired from local schools since 2022, in the Mullingar Park Hotel, last Friday week, June 7.

More than 80 guests attended to celebrate and pay tribute to the retirees, and Dara Feiritéar, the Mullingar INTO chairperson, welcomed everyone as MC for the evening.

Mary-Frances Cox of the Mullingar Retired Teachers Association addressed the audience and congratulated the retirees on their retirement. She also outlined the benefits and social activities of the active local RTAI group.

Gary Corcoran, Mullingar INTO branch secretary, thanked all the local officers and members who had helped to organise the night and paid tribute to the retirees.

“Our retired members have been a great example and inspiration to so many of us over the years,” he said. “Their influence in their local schools and in their communities has been enormous – they have had a huge role, in local education, and in fostering a love of sport, music, arts, science, languages and much more.”

The INTO president as special guest and presented mementos to each of the retirees, and paid tribute to them and remarked that she is always delighted to attend Mullingar Branch events.

Following the meal and presentations, guests enjoyed music by renowned trad band Alp Luachra featuring local INTO branch organiser Kenny Rabbitt.