Kate Egan from Ballymore will host her Farming for Nature walk on Sunday July 7.

Westmeath farm walks to focus on biodiversity and climate resistance

Westmeath farmers James Ham from Moyvore and Kate Egan from Ballymore, both Farming for Nature ambassadors, will host Farming for Nature walks on their land in June and July.

The Farming for Nature network, founded in 2018, seeks to acknowledge and support farmers who farm, or wish to farm, in a way that will improve the natural health of the countryside.

James Ham will host his farm walk ‘Rejuvenating Old Hedgerows and Encouraging Biodiversity with Continuous Cover Forestry on a Suckler Enterprise’ on June 30. James farms alongside his family in Moyvore.

Their 52 ha farm is 50% under woodland/forestry and the other 50% is mature multispecies pasture including approximately 4ha of spring barley which is used for feed and straw.

James has worked hard at greatly reducing the number of chemical inputs on the farm.

James Ham from Moyvore will open his farm gate for a Farming for Nature walk on Sunday June 30.

There are more than 4,000 metres of hedgerow on the farm, equivalent to approximately 1.5ha of linear woodland, which is mostly left untrimmed. Regular hedge maintenance is by traditional hedge laying. The thick and mature hedges provide a crucial habitat for birds and insects, and also shelter for the livestock. The continuous cover forestry system contains a wide range of hardwood and softwood trees.

Tree species include hawthorn, blackthorn, spindle, crab apple, oak, elm, holly, sycamore, alder, beech, birch, Norway Spruce, Douglas Fir, Larch, Scots Pine and more.

James said: “The afforested half of the farm, despite being relatively young, has greatly improved the amount of wildlife. Pine martin are now present, and the jays are obviously doing their job, as we see little oak and hazel seedlings all over the site.”

Kate Egan will host her farm walk ‘Accelerating Biodiversity and Building Climate Resistance on a Smallholding’ on July 7. Kate, a Farming for Nature ambassador since 2019, runs a nine-acre chemical-free farm called ‘An Ghrian Glas Farm’ which is dedicated to biodiversity and permaculture.

What was once a market garden providing fresh, local vegetables to restaurants and shops in the midlands has transformed into a vibrant community growing project.

In November 2023 Kate launched the ‘Grow Together’ project and invited people to come and grow with her for a year.

Kate said: “Starting out to grow food is no easy feat. There are so many different aspects to learn. Growing as a group together provides community, shared responsibility for the garden and shared knowledge. It’s also a lot of fun.”

Kate will showcase her garden, food forest and orchard on her Farming for Nature walk in July, when attendees will learn about how she is regenerating the soil and growing delicious food.

Sarah Coonan, Network and Engagement officer at Farming for Nature said: “Irish farmers want to do the best for the land and for future generations. These walks provide a wonderful roadmap for how to do just that on that any farm.

"There’s one thing that’s clear and that’s that there is no one way to farm for nature. Our ambassador farm walks represent the wide diversity in Irish farming systems and approaches to farming with nature in mind’.

The Farming for Nature ambassador walks cost €10 to attend. James’s walk is on June 30 and Kate’s is on July 7; book at farmingfornature.ie

Farming for Nature receives funding support from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).

Kate Egan from Ballymore will host her Farming for Nature walk on Sunday July 7.