The Women’s Art Circle (from left) Shauna O’Donnell, Tanya Cullen, Emma O’Donnell, Deborah Kelly, Rose Wallace, Teresa Gammell, Ciara O’Hara, Úna Moran, Rhona Rogers and Rachel Coyne; (missing from photo, Anna Browne).

Talent on show by Women’s Art Circle helps raise funds for TEAM

An exhibition at Cúige Studios by the Women’s Art Circle, led by Rachel Coyne, was held to raise funds for charities and to showcase new work by local artists. The proceeds from all sales went to the local Temporary Emergency Accommodation Midlands (TEAM) and Westmeath Support Services Against Domestic Abuse (WSSADA).

Mary Kennedy, project manager at TEAM said a few words on the night: “I’m absolutely mesmerised with the talent here… some of the pieces are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much for having us back. Thanks a million to everybody.

“TEAM is the committee behind Teach Fáilte, which is a hostel here in Mullingar for homeless women and children from the area. We have 11 units there, so at any one time we could have 11 women, which we usually do, and maybe around 20 children of varying ages – younger and younger actually at the moment.

“The likes of this fundraising is so important for us and our community is just wonderful for looking after us. Fundraising from the likes of this all goes directly to the house; our board of management, our committee, are all voluntary. So everything goes to try and make the stay for these women and children as pleasant, it’s probably not the right word, but just as bearable as possible, and just to try to make things comfortable for them for the time that they’re with us.

“And while they are with us, we would try to support [them] in lots of different ways, in the hope that they’ll move on then to a more sustainable life… we would help them towards education, employment, health matters – whatever the individual needs.

“Thanks so much to everybody involved in this – you’re all brilliant!”

At the event, Rachel Coyne welcomed everyone, said she was delighted with the art on display, and thanked the Women’s Art Circle for donating their work. “These two charities are very close to my heart and really, really important,” said Rachel.

Speaking to the Westmeath Examiner on the evening (on June 7), Rachel said: “I thoroughly enjoyed leading the six-week course and would like to thank all who attended, including Bertille de Lestrade and Anna Browne, who shared their skills, Arts Westmeath, Creative Ireland, and Mary Kennedy who said a few words on behalf of TEAM.”

Rachel established the Women’s Art Circle in 2023; it is supported by Arts Westmeath and Creative Ireland. It is a six-week series of free classes and workshops for women, led by Rachel.

Rachel holds a BA Degree in Fine Art from ATU Galway and attended a postgraduate course at the New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture in 2019.

In September, she will begin a masters at Royal College the of Art in London.

Some items from the exhibition are still up for sale – call to Cúige Studios on Dominick Street, Mullingar, or visit @theartistsmess on social media if you’d like to see what’s available and support a worthy cause.