Ben showing his audience that he's still got it, at his 90th birthday party.

Ben Dolan at 90: ‘not done yet!’

Bernie Comaskey

June 17, 1934 is a red-letter date in history for two separate and significant events that occurred then. German Vice Chancellor, Franz Von Papen, gave what was to prove the last high level speech against Nazism in Germany – and that didn’t finish well. More than a thousand miles away from Munich, at that very same time, in a little house in Mullingar, Ireland; Ben Dolan was born.

As the dark clouds gathered over Germany, Baby Ben was destined to shine a ray of sunshine (No, this isn’t about you, Ray!) into the lives of literally millions of people over three generations.

Hosted by organiser extraordinaire, Ben’s wife, Helen, a large gathering of family, friends and showbiz personnel came together to pay tribute to Ben on the occasion of his 90th birthday on Monday of last week.

The setting for the party could not have been more appropriate. Helen, aided and abetted by Paul Claffey, slotted the party into the middle of the annual country music fest in Cadiz, Spain. It was an incredible week (and longer for some!) of music, reminiscing, story-telling and old friends linking up again. It will have to go down as one of the most entertaining and enjoyable weeks for those privileged to have been there.

So many household names were present: the cream of our singers and musicians. In this company is included Ben’s daughter, Sandra Dolan, who has over the years grown into one of Ireland’s top female vocalists. Needless to say, there were many Joe Dolan songs all week; nostalgia with a hint of sadness, but loads of laughs and great stories as well.

Ben was in his glory, belying his 90 years. This was his pitch, his gig, and he had his audience in the palm of his hand! He’s a little unsteady on his feet these days, due to a back problem, but as soon as he got that microphone, he was back in the grove of the red-suited Drifters Showband!

Ben’s voice is as good as ever – and he is still coming up with new one-liners!

As is the manner of royalty, Ben Dolan is having two birthdays. The official ‘state birthday’ took place in Cadiz on 17 June. As all of Ben’s family was unable to get to Spain last week, the family have organised a private family ‘do’ for the weekend.

Many happy returns, Ben! Your friends and fans thank you for all the happy days and nights; the great music and the friendships of a great man.

No, nobody is writing you off, Ben. You said it yourself… you’re ‘not done yet!’.

Two of a kind - Brendan Shine wishing Ben a happy birthday.
Ben and Helen cutting the birthday cake.
Michael English and Sandra Dolan singing a tribute to Ben – the birthday boy.
Bridie Bourke (left) and Pamela Comaskey, both from Mullingar, attended Ben Dolan's 90th Birthday celebrations in Cadiz.
Adoring fans!