Sean Clancy entertaining guests with tales of ancient times.

Hill of Uisneach welcomes Summer Solstice

Photos and article by Jay G Forde

The ancient and sacred site that is the Hill of Uisneach hosted a special gathering for the Summer Solstice last Thursday, June 20. The reason it was on June 20 this year (not the 21st) is that this is a leap year.

Famous for its historical significance and views spanning 20 counties, the Hill of Uisneach provided a perfect setting, as participants gathered for 8pm, ready to embrace the warmth and spirit of the Solstice.

Bards regaled the guests with tales of our ancestors and the sacred landscape came alive through the myths, legends, and local lore.

As attendees wove through the sacred landscape, there was a profound sense of connection to the past. The Hill of Uisneach, with its storied history, served as a timeless backdrop for reflection and unity.

The celebration concluded a little after 10pm, leaving participants with a renewed appreciation for the significance of the Summer Solstice and the enduring power of storytelling in preserving cultural heritage.