Crookedwood solar farm loses planning appeal to An Bord Pleanála

A controversial planning application for a solar farm on a 215-acre site at Gartlandstown, Crookedwood has lost its appeal to An Bord Pleanála.

The initial application was submitted to Westmeath County Council in June 2023 by French energy group Neoen Renewables.

It received around 70 objections from local groups, residents, and politicians.

In August 2023, the local authority refused planning, citing a “risk of significant effects” on the Lough Derravaragh Special Protection Area.

Neoen appealed the decision to An Bord Pleanála in September - which has now upheld the council’s ruling.

The planning authority cited potential risks to the special protection area and water quality in the area when making its decision on 2 June.

A group called Save Lough Derravaragh and the Children of Lir formed shortly after news of the plan first emerged.

They organised public meetings to oppose it and launched an online fundraiser, which raised nearly €5,000.

Welcoming the news today was Cllr Denis Leonard, who said the location wasn’t right.

“It was the correct decision from An Bord Pleanála who are not anti-renewable, they’re not anti-solar, they’re just saying: ‘Look, you have to put the right development in the right location,’” he said.

“I objected mainly because it was a special area of conservation, but also because there's a trend in the country now of using very good agricultural land for solar farms, when there's so much wasteland available.

“It’s also a fabulous place, a historical site with the Children of Lir and all that, and there are so many other locations for something like this.”

The application sought permission to build a 35-year solar farm and battery project, with an initial 10-year planning period.

It included photovoltaic solar panels, electrical inverters, power stations, and a containerised battery storage facility.

The plan also featured the development of underground cabling, upgraded and new site entrances, access tracks, a temporary construction compound, security measures, and landscaping.

Sheep grazing was intended to occur alongside the operational solar farm.

The last option available to Neoen Renewables in developing the project would be to launch a judicial review to the High Court to appeal An Bord Pleanála's decision.