Michael Savage, Madge Savage and Monsignor Pat Earley at the diamond anniversary.

Rathowen pays tribute to Monsignor Earley on his diamond jubilee

The parishes of Streete and Rathowen gathered to congratulate Monsignor Patrick Earley on the diamond jubilee of his ordination, on Sunday morning.

Fr Pierre Pepper celebrated Mass in St Mary’s Church, and just before it began, Avril Whitney addressed the congregation on behalf of the Pastoral Council.

“Msgr Earley is a very unassuming and humble man and I’m sure he is not totally comfortable being the centre of attention, but it would be remiss of us to let this significant milestone go by without marking it, considering all the good work he has done during his ministry, and in particular during his 19 years in our parish.

“As you all know, Monsignor Earley holds the importance of family, friendship and community close to his heart – we are delighted, therefore, that some of his family members can be here with us this morning and we warmly welcome you all.

“We especially welcome his brother Noel, and Mary, who have travelled from England, his sister Madge, and Michael, his nieces, nephews and the extended members of his family. It is our pleasure to have you in Rathowen as we know your presence means so much of Monsignor Pat.

“We also want to thank you for the support and care you have shown Monsignor down through the years as he carried out his work taking care of all our spiritual needs.

“To Fr Beglan, Monsignor’s dear friend and colleague, we warmly welcome you and also thank you for the kindness, friendship, support and camaraderie you have shown to our much loved friend over the years, and today we want congratulate you on your 65 years in the priesthood.

“Finally, to all Monsignor’s parishioners, past and present, and gathered here, it is so heart-warming to see such a lovely crowd in the church this morning, and it is testimony to the high esteem in which we all hold Msgr Earley. You are all welcome and we hope you will be able to join us later in the community centre to continue the celebration.”

Speaking to the Westmeath Examiner, Fr Pierre paid his own tribute to Msgr Earley and told us about his background. Msgr Earley, who is 84 years of age, was born in Ballinalee, County Longford. He attended the local school and St Mel’s College, and later went to St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and was ordained in 1964. His first appointment was to Drumshanbo, then he went to St Mary’s, Athlone, St Mel’s Cathedral, Longford, Edgeworthstown, and then Rathowen, where he retired in 2015, and where he lives now. Msgr Earley remains “hale and hearty” and “is on the go all the time”, said Fr Pierre. “He helps out in the parish and he’s always doing something.” He still says Mass and does some Baptisms. “He’s like a 24-year-old, still wants to go, still wants to learn new things and still gets excited about things, which is great.”

Fr Pierre said that Msgr Earley’s friend Fr Peter Beglan, who is 93 and lives and helps out in Edgeworthstown, “is even more of a dynamo”. The two of them spend time together on trips and on holidays and are great company for one another, said Fr Pierre.

“He has a phenomenal interest in sports and always had, and is watching the Euros and the All-Ireland. People would call regularly looking for his advice – he’s a real gentleman and makes time for everyone.

“Sixty years is a great blessing for him and for the parish. He has served five parishes faithfully; the good of the people and the good of the gospel are in his heart. He finds good in everyone and he’s a good example for everyone, priests and lay people.”