Participants in the fundraising cycle for Saplings School, Mullingar which raised over €6,000.

All-Ireland final day cycle planned for Ballynacargy

The community of Ballynacargy is gearing itself for an annual fundraising event on All-Ireland football final day, July 28 which has become very popular over the years.

This year’s chosen charity is the Mullingar special care baby unit and the event is the usual 20km canal cycle, taking on a route along the Royal Canal that will bring participants back into the village of Ballynacargy. An evening of fun will follow as people gather to watch the All-Ireland football final and there will be a major raffle held for several prizes, while a cyclists' draw will also take place.

The aim is to raise as much money as possible for charity and over the years, people have been very generous. Last year there was €10,488 raised for St Brigid’s School, Mullingar, while the previous year saw €1,696 raised for the Make a Wish Foundation.

In 2019, Saplings School benefited to the tune of €6,167.50, while a LARCC fundraiser in 2018 generated €4,230. The annual cycle has been ongoing since 2015.

Anyone wishing to participate or to support the event in any way can contact Gerry or Phil in The Wagon Wheel pub on 04493 73987.