Wayne Healy with Chris Baker, head technical official, International Weightlifting Federation.

Weightlifting champion sets 18 new records

Wayne Healy has proven again his enduring excellence in weightlifting at international level and last week he set six world, six European and six Irish Masters records when he represented Ireland at the European Masters Championships in Norway.

He also won his age group and weight class (M45, 73kg), and was crowned the best male athlete for the competition. Wayne put in a flawless performance and recorded no misses in six lift attempts. He made a total of 265kg – 116kg snatch and 149kg clean and jerk.

"On the day, everything went perfect," Wayne told the Westmeath Examiner. "I was more focused on the performance – but I had certain targets. I wanted to break the world record in the snatch because I had missed it last year, and my second goal was to get the best lifter award, and set certain other records.

"So, everything was fantastic, I was more mentally focused, again, on performance, and once I knew I’d performed, I would get a minimum goal of a world record.

"I was absolutely delighted with the best lifter overall, that’s the best lifter of the whole tournament, and I ended up, pound for pound, the best male lifter in the history of the tournament, which was a bit of a shock to be honest with you, as there are a lot of high calibre athletes competing there.”

Wayne has been involved in weightlifting since he was 14 and is a legend on the Irish scene. He started at the Hercules Club in Dublin, and is now coach at Mullingar Weightlifting Club, and runs Mullingar Gymnastics Club with his wife, Mairead.