Local senator welcomes ban on 51-week leases of student accommodation

Student accommodation providers will not be allowed enforce minimum 51-week leases following the passage of emergency legislation, a local Fine Gael Senator has said.

Senator Micheal Carrigy and Fine Gael candidate for the next general election in Longford-Westmeath, said that the new measures contained in the Residential Tenancies Bill 2024 will protect students and their parents from being forced to sign leases which cover the summer period when accommodation is not required.

“A number of Student Specific Accommodation (SSA) providers had moved to only provide 51-week occupancy leases. This unacceptable practice was putting severe financial pressure on students and parents to pay for leases beyond the college year. The legislation addresses this issue by ensuring leases are based on a 41-week academic year, safeguarding students’ rental options," he said.

Senator Carrigy added that "while a 51-week lease may suit some third-level students, it is neither desirable or affordable for the vast majority of students".

"An opt in provision will remain for those that do require accommodation over the summer months.

“Further safeguards have been put in place as part of the legislation which only allow SSA providers to charge up to one month’s rent in advance, in line with all other rental tenancies. This will eliminate the demand for significant upfront payments which was putting an undue burden on students and parents.

“We have acted swiftly as a government on this issue, however there will be some students who may have already signed 51 week leases and I am calling on SSA providers who have engaged in this practice to offer new leases in line with provisions of this new legislation.

“I will continue to work with my colleagues Minister Patrick O’Donovan and Minister Alan Dillon to ensure student renters rights are protected and that we continue to break down the barriers to third level education," concluded Senator Carrigy.