The Order of Malta cadets from the Mullingar Unit who spoke to the Westmeath Examiner.

Order of Malta cadets speak about their love for the organisation

Shane King recently spoke to local Order of Malta cadets

By Shane King

Name: Callum Cassin, 13

When I moved to my new house here locally, my parents suggested I look around for an after school activity. I found out about the Order of Malta and I decided to give it a go.

It is hard to pick one thing about the Order of Malta that is my favourite. However, if I had to choose, I really enjoy being able to go the unit every Wednesday evening to meet all my friends, as well as learning many new skills.

I have learned many things since becoming a cadet, such as applying bandages and slings, how to take pulses, CPR, the recovery position, care for the elderly, scene safety and many other skills.

I would absolutely recommend joining the Order of Malta. You will learn many life saving techniques and skills, as well as meeting many new people. All our leaders are kind and welcoming so I would definitely recommend it.

When I am older, I would like to be an architect. I have always said I wanted to work in that field and I enjoy drawing using the proper tools and anything related to that.

Name: Katie Reid, 13

I became a cadet with the Order of Malta as I wanted to help people in need and make a difference in their lives. I also want to learn new skills and make friends with other cadets.

I love learning new things, building confidence and making friends.

I have learned how to dress wounds, perform CPR, and how best to help people in difficult situations.

Yes, I would definitely recommend joining the Order of Malta. I have made so many friends, had lots of fun trips and overnights and learned things I never knew before.

My dream is to become a paediatrician and to travel.

Name: Lily Watters, 12

I love helping others, but my dad has been in the Order of Malta for many years, so I naturally followed in his footsteps when I turned 10.

I love meeting my friends every Wednesday and learning new skills and techniques.

I have learned all sorts of first-aid skills, as well as some home nursing skills and even how to march properly. I have been able to put what I have learned into action by using my medical skills three times in the last two years.

I would definitely recommend joining. I wouldn’t have friends from Portlaoise, Athlone, Ardee or Dundalk if it wasn’t for the Order of Malta. To be able to learn a skill, as a kid, that could help save someone’s life is really the best reason to join.

I would love to become a paramedic or even a nurse, but would love something in pre-hospital care.

Name: Bryan McEvoy, 14

I wanted to join the Order of Malta because I have a great interest in first-aid. My brother joined first and I saw how much he enjoyed it and he told me about the cadet programme so I decided to join.

My favourite thing about the Order of Malta is the people. From day one I was welcomed by both the members and the leaders, who all made me feel like a part of the group.

I have learned a lot since becoming a cadet thanks to all the brilliant leaders. I have learned so much between general first aid and discipline to learning the commands for marching in Irish and much more.

I would absolutely recommend joining the cadets because it is an amazing way to meet people and make friends. All the trips and competitions are always lots of fun.

I aspire to have a job as an officer in the defence forces or as a paramedic in the National Ambulance Service. My main goal for the future is to help people and be a positive influence on the next generation.

Name: Madison Kinahan, 16

I became an Order of Malta cadet for the opportunity to develop valuable skills and experience how to help those in need.

My favourite thing would be the sense of fulfilment and purpose I get from learning how to help those in need. It is truly rewarding to be able to make a positive impact in the community and aid those who require it.

I have learned valuable skills like first aid, teamwork, leadership, and empathy.

I would definitely recommend joining the cadets to other young people as it is an amazing way to create new friendships and lifelong skills.

I aspire to work as an adolescent counsellor in the future.

For information on the Order of Malta and the Mullingar Unit visit: