RIGHT:Darren and Niamh Mills presented a cheque for €1000 to Alma Murray from Ben’s Lifeline.

Lakepoint says thanks for new defibrillator

Residents of three east Mullingar estates have, since last week, the comfort of knowing that if someone in the area suffers a heart attack, there is now a defibrillator close at hand.

On Thursday evening last, the defibrillator installed on a wall just inside the Lakepoint housing estate on the Delvin Road was officially unveiled. The intention is that the device will serve not just the residents of Lakepoint but also those of Gleann Petit and Great Oaks.

As well as unveiling the defibrillator, the residents association made a presentation of a cheque for €1,000 to the charity responsible for providing and installing the device, Ben's Lifeline.

“There are over 400 houses in Lakepoint alone,” reveals Julie Darby, of the Lakepoint Residents Association as she spoke of the need to give people the peace of mind of having a defibrillator within easy reach.

She explained that the location chosen for installation of the Lakepoint defibrillator was selected because it meant it would also be easy to find for residents coming in from other estates needing to borrow the device.

“Darren Mills, chairperson of the residents association, wanted for a long time to have a defibrillator in the area. He works as a first responder and he has offered to help people who want training in the use of defibrillators,” said Julie

Julie also paid warm tribute to the charity Ben's Lifeline, praising it for its tireless work to provide defibrillators.

Ben's Lifeline was set up in memory of local 13-year old Ben Murray, who died on December 31, 2016 of an undiagnosed heart condition.

“The charity was set up by Ben's parents with a view to funding the provision of defibrillators around the community,” said Julie.

In the seven years since Ben's Lifeline was established it has provided over 20 defibrillators and has assisted in the training of 250 people in the use of defibrillators.