The cast of ‘ Goodfellas’ consist of Michael Kiernan, Alan McGrath, Josephine Lynch, Jody Devine, Ann Marie Durkin, John McCabe and Hugh O’Hara.

Streete prepare for a night at the Oskars with the cast and movies announced

Streete's very own movie stars gathered on stage recently, for the casting of the ‘Oskars.’

This colourful event is a fundraiser for the much needed re-development of the playing field in Streete and the provision of an all weather pitch at the local community centre.

The seven chosen movies are: The Snapper, The Field, Calendar Girls, Baby Reindeer, The Full Monty, Goodfellas and Forrest Gump.

The cast in each of the seven movies will be striving to win the prize of best movie and best actor/actress, to name but a few.

Each team will be organising individual fundraising events and activities over the coming months.

Joan Devine, event coordinator said “The diversity of the cast members is truly special,”.

“We have known most of the characters all our lives and the mix is a strong blend of young, middle and older age profiles. We are delighted to see people’s imagination as to how all these characters will come together, everyone is so excited.

“We are asking the public, clubs, and businesses to support the fundraising efforts and make this event a wonderful success. This fundraising initiative will be great fun and a positive community building activity, inside and outside the parish,” said Joan.

The event is being held to raise money to match the funding of grants becoming available to Streete Parish Park.

The playing area has fallen into a poor state of health in recent times, due to the vast amount of rain and poor drainage over the years.

Kevin Brady chairperson of the organising committee said the event will see club members and neighbours get the opportunity “to become a star of the big screen,”.

“The event will see seven short adaptations of some of the most famous movies filmed. Tonight, our actors will find out their film and roles and which movie they will act in as a main star or as an extra stand in part.

“It is so exciting for the cast and community who have come out in force to support this red carpet event, which will be shot on location locally. The movies will hit the big screen in the Longford Arms hotel on October 19. On the night we will have a panel of celebrity judges awarding the Oskars to the winning performers and movies.” he concluded.