Richie Clarke, Noel McIntyre and Pat Battistini at Richie’s workshop. Noel presented Pat with a signed limited edition of his book, RíRá Mullingar, A Fleadh Ceoil Chronicle.

US filmmaker impressed by 'majestic' Mullingar

An award-winning filmmaker from America visiting Mullingar for the first time said that when it comes to cinematography, the town's streetscape is “majestic”.

California-based Pat Battistini was in town recently to meet his friend Noel McIntyre, an award-winning director in his own right.

The duo bonded over their shared love of filmmaking when they met at a festival in Hollywood five years ago when Noel travelled to Los Angeles to show his first film, 'I Created You'.

Pat was impressed by Noel's short film, which profiles acclaimed local wood carver Richie Clarke.

The 20-minute documentary also stood out to the judges at the festival, as Noel came home with three awards, as well as making contacts with a number of influential figures in the industry.

When “business and pleasure” brought Pat to Ireland this month, he welcomed the chance to visit Noel in his hometown. While a bit surprised when the Westmeath Examiner informed him that although Mullingar may be a “small town” by American and global standards, in Ireland it is a regional centre and one with a rich artistic heritage.

“It's definitely some place. And the thing is, every corner you turn [there's something]. I was coming in on the train and saw your church, which is gorgeous,” Pat said.

“Any corner you turn in your community and in a lot of European cities, as a filmmaker, the cinematography is majestic.”

Despite his Italian name, like many Americans, Pat, who is an experienced independent filmmaker with a string of credits to his name as a director, producer, and editor, has some Irish heritage. Before coming to Mullingar, he and his wife spent time in the south of the country tracing their roots.

“She's a Sheehan and I'm a Burke. My great-grandfather was Jeremiah Burke, and he was from County Cork.

“We went there and we met some wonderful people there.”

Pat's next project is the third instalment of his Ms Rossi series of short films, which are shot on location in Italy and have won a number of awards on the festival circuit.

During his recent visit to Mullingar, Pat also met Richie Clarke at his workshop, where Noel presented him with a copy of his book 'RíRá', which is a collection of photos he took when Mullingar hosted the Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in 2022 and 2023.

Always on the lookout for his next project, Pat says that he would love to make a film in Ireland in the future.