Ledeston barriers prompt illegal campers to move to Tudenham

Barriers erected at Ledeston have stopped illegal campers parking at the lakeshore on weekends - however, the problem has now moved to Tudenham local councillors have complained.

The issue arose for discussion at the monthly meeting of Westmeath County Council, where Cllr Ken Glynn complained about the “carry-on” of the campers, who, he said, are ignoring the by-laws drawn up by the council prohibiting camping at Lough Ennell, and ignoring the entreaties of the community wardens tasked with directing them to leave.

“It's not good enough. It's a big two fingers to the laws of the land,” he stated.

Cllr Glynn said that a group camped at the lakeshore last weekend actually brought their own portaloo with them. “So where did that get emptied before it was taken away?” he asked.

He said clarification is required on who is responsible for policing the area. “This is a massive, massive issue,” he said.

Support came from Councillor Andrew Duncan who said he does not know what can be done in the long term to stop this happening and he added that it is an issue not just peculiar to Lough Ennell: “This is a problem that is emerging in an awful lot of lakes around the place,” he said. “Anywhere there is water and a car park these people are just appearing - and the problem is most of them are genuine, nice people: they are just trying to get out – they are living in small apartments and they want to get out and experience the countryside.”

Some, however, were more problematic, lighting fires, emptying portaloos and even throwing portaloos into the lake, he said.

“We need to come up with a plan to deal with it,” he said.

Cllr Aoife Davitt said the only way to combat the campers was by issuing fines. “We have our by-laws in relation to the lakes and they just need to be enforced, and the gardaí need to be the ones enforcing them,” she said.

Cllr Julie McCourt asked if the barriers at Ledeston could be adjusted, as wheelchair users or parents with double buggies are unable to get through to enjoy the lakeside walk.

District manager Mary Goldsberry confirmed that council officials were aware of the issues at the lakeshores.

“Unfortunately, the measures we have put in place over the last couple of weekends do not seem to be working,” she stated, adding that just the previous weekend, when one of the wardens approached quite a large group of campers, the campers were very abusive and threatening and safety became an issue. As a result, council has asked the gardaí to visit the lakeshores at least until the end of the summer.