The Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar.

Hogan raises concerns about MRI scanner in Mullingar

Cllr Paul Hogan is another local elected representative who has raised concerns about the future of the MRI scanner at the Midlands Regional Hospital in Mullingar.

In a statement this morning, Cllr Hogan said he had been contacted by a member of staff and numerous members of the public to told him the scanner would be out of operation from Wednesday until further notice.

“Mullingar and those from the region who access services in the Midland Regional Hospital owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Friends of Mullingar Hospital group, who raised over €1 million to purchase the scanner. It was purchased on the basis that the government would construct a building to house it, as well as €1.6m towards the operating costs.

“This scanner, which only officially opened last February, has enabled on-site diagnostics rather than sending patients elsewhere for scans. So, the news that the MRI scanner is out of use until further notice has come as a shock to the community and region.

“I share the concern of the people who have contacted me. The people of this region deserve universal first -class health services and clarity is now needed on the future of this scanner as a matter of urgency.”

The Independent Ireland member concluded: “I am calling on the management to outline the reason for ceasing the operation of this necessary service until further notice. I am also calling on the minister for health and the government to reaffirm their commitment for the future of this scanner and its operation and maintenance. There may be an operational issue but those in power and those managing the service need to inform people to allay the fears of people living in the region.”