Minister Heather Humphries and Minister Peter Burke at Midlands Amenity Park.

€740,000 windfall for Westmeath communities

Minister Peter Burke has announced this morning that Westmeath groups have been awarded €741,000 in Community Recognition grants by his Fine Gael colleague Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys.

The government began this scheme last year, designed originally to support the development of community infrastructure and facilities for the benefit of the entire community, in recognition of the contributions across the country in welcoming and hosting arrivals from Ukraine and other countries.

It is separate in its objectives and scope to any other public funding streams, aiming to support public service needs arising from the significant number of arrivals from Ukraine and other countries – instead these outdoor and recreational facilities aim to improve infrastructure for the entire community.

Minister Burke said: “This is really positive news for Westmeath, and another scheme brought forward by Minister Humphreys aimed at improving facilities in rural and regional Ireland. The minimum level of funding for a project is €50,000 and the maximum is €500,000, and many projects are over €100,000 in value, which can make a huge difference in small communities.

“Projects have to be capital in nature, address needs in their areas and deliver medium-long term benefits for the entire community. Well done to Westmeath County Council, who brought forward proposals and worked with community groups on this, and who will be in charge of the delivery in the months ahead.”

The minister also credited the community groups – Youth Work Midlands, Moate Action Group, Athlone Canal Heritage Committee, and to Midlands Amenity Park/Dun na Sí – who put hours into the applications.

“The scheme focuses on making our towns and villages more vibrant places to live, work and visit. It’s about giving back and saying thank-you to communities for what they do week in, week out.

“This record level of funding for community groups needs to continue, and I will be working with Minister Humphreys to this end ahead of Budget 2025.”


Mullingar – Youth Work Midlands – New dressing rooms, disability toilet and storage unit to facilitate use of amenities, pitches in the area - €130,000

Mullingar – Restoration of Ennell Community House - €100,000

Moate Action Group – Conversion of Old Fire Station to a Community Office – €150,000

Kinnegad – Phase 2 of Kinnegad Boreen Bradach Looped Walk - €130,000

Moate – Midlands Amenity Park – new outdoor covered area - €55,000

Athlone – Enhancement of Shannon Banks Nature Trail Canal Walkway - €66,000

Athlone Regional Sports Centre – Playground refurbishment works - €100,000