Word is underway on the regeneration projects in Castlepollard (above) and Kinnegad.

Regeneration work under way in Castlepollard and Kinnegad

Work is well under way on the regeneration of both Castlepollard and Kinnegad, members of Westmeath County Council heard at their quarterly finance meeting.

Acting director of finance, Michael Hand, told the meeting that the Regeneration Team, in collaboration with the Longford Westmeath Education and Training Board and local community groups with the aid of the architect firm CAKMJV, is continuing to deliver the library, education and training centre, and town park in Kinnegad.

“Coolsivna Ltd, the appointed contractor for the library, education and training centre has commenced on site. Work has commenced on the town park project and the demolition of the community centre is complete,” he stated.

Updating on Castlepollard, Mr Hand said that the council's regeneration team had secured €5.8 million in rural regeneration and development funding for the refurbishment of the market house and provision of a town park.

“Work has commenced on the town park project and the fencing has been completed,” he said, going on to state that the next stage for the market house is to procure design consultants to take the project to shovel-ready status.