Mary Egan, of the Longford Westmeath Argentina Society, on right, presenting a bouquet of flowers in the Argentine colours to that country’s ambassador, Ana Laura Cachaza, at the annual asado on Saturday, July 20.

‘Tight bonds’ between Ireland and Argentina celebrated at asado

Saturday, July 20, was "The Day of Friendship" in Argentina - and by coincidence it was also the day that the Longford Westmeath Argentina Society held their annual asado at the Rustic Inn in Abbeyshrule.

“I couldn't think of a better place to be today, when I am not in Argentina,” the Argentine ambassador to Ireland Ana Laura Cachaza, told those present at the Rustic Inn for the event.

Ms Cachaza, who was guest of honour at the asado, said that there are “tight bonds” between this country and hers, and she revealed that a meeting is to take place in the parliament in Buenos Aires this week of a new Ireland friendship group comprising members of the Argentine parliament.

The chairperson of the Longford Westmeath Argentina Society, Una Byrne, said the society is anxious to continue to maintain and strengthen the links between this part of Ireland and Argentina.

“Our asado gathering allows us the opportunity to celebrate our past links and make new links with the countries of our ancestors,” she said.

Much of the Irish emigration to Argentina was from Westmeath and Longford, particularly in the areas around Ballymore and Ballymahon, Streamstown, and over towards Ballynacargy and then Mullingar. Considerable numbers from the Athlone/Tang areas also went and there were also departures from Offaly, as well as from Galway, Wexford and Dublin. What attracted them were the opportunities in agriculture.

The Longford Westmeath Argentina Society was established in the 1980s and each year holds its annual Argentine-style barbecue at the Rustic Inn in Abbeyshrule.