Driver doing 81kmh in a 50kmh zone near Castlepollard detected in garda crackdown

A driver travelling 81kmh in a 50kmh zone on the R394 at Milltown, Castlepollard was among those detected in the An Garda Síochána August Bank Holiday Weekend Roads Policing Operation.

The operation began at 7am on Thursday last, August 1 and gardaí have been out detecting poor driving behaviours such as driving above the speed limit.

Between 7am yesterday, Saturday, and 7am today, Sunday, almost 48,291 vehicles were checked for speeding.

A garda statement read: “It is positive that the majority of motorists are travelling within the designated speed – however, 135 drivers were detected during this period and some have been especially dangerous.”

Top detections:

• 81kmh in a 50kmh zone on the R394 in Milltown, Castlepollard, County Westmeath

• 85kmh in a 60kmh zone on the R267 in Portnason, Ballyshannon, County Donegal

• 161kmh in an 80kmh zone on the R188 in Drumnagran, Cootehill, County Cavan

• 145kmh in a 100kmh zone on the N15 in Coolcholly, Ballyshannon, County Donegal.

“An Garda Síochána will continue to monitor and conduct checkpoints on the roads, using technology to detect those speeding nationwide.

“Remember to please slow down and drive safely today and every day.”