Millie Walsh is retiring today, Tuesday, after almost 40 years in business.

'It's family time now' - Millie Walsh reflects on his retirement

After spending nearly 40 years providing fuel, employment, and entertainment to the people of Mullingar, Millie Walsh has filled up his last car.

“It’s family time now,” he told the Westmeath Examiner, reflecting on his time running the Maxol service station on the Dublin Road.

His catchphrases such as ‘wahoo, ya boyo!’ have been emanating from the forecourt for decades, while his wit and character have become the stuff of legend to motorists from near and far.

A unique character, Millie has hit national and local headlines on numerous occasions through the years, with a documentary on his life, ‘Millie’s Maxol Magic,’ released last year.

The 72-year-old businessman feels “honoured and esteemed” to have shared his place of work with such a loyal crew of staff, many of whom have been with him for decades.

"We ran it together like a family, so it's a very sad week. a very emotional week," said Millie, ahead of his last day on Tuesday, July 30.

"Colm has been with us 38 years, Vanessa has been here for 22 years, we have another in accounts who's been with us for 37 years too, so they're incredibly loyal and never gave us any hassle.

"I'm going to miss all the customers; every customer is a valuable customer, and I'll miss all the young people too. I cannot praise the youth of this country enough; they're amazing."

Millie said his family is what's most important now in his retirement.

"My wife Kathleen, I would save all the medals in the world for her; I couldn't thank the lady enough for everything," he said.

"We're separated now, but we're doing very well, and the biggest medal in the world would not be enough for her. We have three grown kids: Regina, Wayne, and Koreen.

"Regina is a sick girl; she's had three kidney transplants and she's determined to get a fourth. She's on a list.

"We have a fundraiser going here now for the Irish Kidney Association that's already raised €3,700, and if we can get to our €5,000 target, it would be unreal."

A new role as a sacristan at St Paul's Church now awaits Millie in his retirement.

"It's going to be very hard to replace the girl that's leaving there, but I'll give it my best shot," he said.

"If you hear Silent Night playing in there in September or October, you'll know it was me and that I'm after printing out the wrong papers.

"I told Bishop Deenihan that he'd be lucky to keep his job by Christmas with me in there!

"But I've been working since I was thirteen and I never intended to leave here with nothing to do.

"I'm very lucky and thank the man above I still have good health; I'm not on a single tablet, and I trust in my faith."

The local legend hailed Mullingar as a "fantastic town" that's only growing from "strength to strength".

"It's a very wealthy town, let's be real about it, and I hope people realise what they have here," he said.

Millie painted a vision of what he thinks Mullingar needs to reach its full potential in the years to come.

"As a businessman in the town for nearly 50 years, I would say please have the swimming pool and sports complex all in one and have it at Robinstown and not have bits of it here and there," he said.

"I would even suggest further, if I may, that Dunnes Stores should try and do a deal with Cusack Park to have that whole area for shopping and retail.

"I think a new park could alsogo out to Robinstown, and think people would travel to it as well, like in Castlebar."

He said the town's infrastructure is unrecognisable from when he first took charge of the Maxol garage.

"The roads here are second to none; we only have two bad roads now, which are the Ballymahon and Castlepollard roads," he said.

"You never would have thought it years ago, but I have people coming into me now from Delvin past 10pm looking for milk; that joumey would have taken an hour in my time!

"Dublin is only up the road now; Galway is an hour anda half away. It's absolutely fantastic to see the progress that was made."

Millie added his thanks to Maxol for their kindness towards him through the years, in addition to neighbouring businesses like Mullingar Autos, The Bridge House bar, and Agnes Burke Hairdressers.