Deputy Troy, centre, with IDA Ireland’s Denis Curran and Martin Shanahan.

Contractor to be appointed for Marlinstown unit

A contractor is set to be appointed "in the coming weeks" for the construction of the advanced manufacturing facility in Marlinstown in Mullingar, local Fianna Fáil TD Robert Troy has stated.

He received the assurance, in response to a parliamentary question, that the procurement process for the construction of the 50,000 square foot building is now under way.

The Advanced Building Solution will comprise office space and light industrial/production spaces.

"I ensured, during my time as minister of state that this sizeable project was included in the IDA Ireland Strategy 2021-2024 ‘Driving Recovery and Sustainable Growth’, launched in January 2021," said Deputy Troy this week.

"I’m delighted that this important project has come to this stage. It is hoped that construction will begin before the end of the year.

"It is unfortunate that it has been delayed in recent years but I have full confidence that the current Minister for Enterprise Peter Burke, TD, and my party colleague Minister of State Dara Calleary, TD, will apply the same energy to pushing the project forward."

Deputy Troy said the advanced manufacturing facility will be a positive development for employment in Mullingar and a further sign of the government’s and the IDA’s commitment to the town.

He stated that Minister Burke informed him that IDA Ireland received the final grant of planning permission from Westmeath County Council in December 2022 and that IDA Ireland had advised the department that the "procurement process is now under way".

"The minister also said that it is IDA Ireland’s intention to appoint a contractor for the construction of the building in the third quarter of this year ‘with a view to commencing the development shortly thereafter’.

"He added that the appointment of that contractor will also be subject to approval by the IDA Ireland board as part of its normal procurement policy implementation".

Deputy Troy said he understood that these implementation dates were contingent on a satisfactory outcome from the public procurement process.